Thursday, 22 March 2012

Conventions, Font: Movie Poster

So now that I have started to create my movie poster, one of the main features and elements that will stand out to the audience will be the font used. Most people will question this, as to think that font isn't as important as photography, as long as its easily visible and easy to read. I beg to differ as i feel that the font represented on a poster can make or break the conventions of a film poster. In my poster I have decided to use the film noire genre, and with the last post you would of seen that I have taken inspirations from a number of films, and games that also reflect this genre. In this post I will show the elements that I will be using in my final poster and how I have created the elements. Bearing in mind that I will be creating a movie poster, it should be noted that the examples I have shown below, will be focused on FONT only, as these are artworks for a different type of media that I will not be exploring as of this moment.

 As you can see from the artwork, the font used gives the feel of a 1960's feel and genre. The example on the right would represent the types of posters that would be found within this time period and although it being created to represent a fictional city in a fictional game, I believe that the author and creator of this work should be proud as he has has achieved his aim of representing an older genre.

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